Whatโ€™s up with the name Purple Cow Internet?

Golly! I get that question a lot. Why did we name the business Purple Cow?

Well Iโ€™m here to answer just that question. It started about 5 years ago after moving home to Nova Scotia from the United States. After researching available providers I was blown away by the high price of internet in Nova Scotia and did not understand why in other places around the world it is a lot less expensive.

It seemed to me us little Nova Scotian's were probably getting taken advantage of and seemed like the perfect problem to try to solve.

So I decided I was going to start my own with the goal of being the best internet service provider in Nova Scotia. One of the coolest privileges you have when setting up a business is picking a name.

There are lots of things to think about when picking a name, for example does it tell the customer what you do? Is the URL available or is the name memorable? I know this is going to seem cliche, however somehow I stumbled upon a name that checked all the boxes while I was away on a guys fishing trip just before falling asleep.

When going to bed I often listen to white noise on my phone. This night I was listening to one of my favorite marketing books called โ€œPurple Cowโ€.

This book talks about how a company nowadays needs to have a remarkable idea, product, or service that will differentiate them from competitors to be successful. These companies that stand out are called purple cows and people talk about them.

Knowing I wanted to build something kick ass and special in the internet industry, I drew a lot of inspiration from this book. Just as I was falling asleep the idea hit me, I pulled up the notes section of my phone and wrote down โ€œthe business will be named Purple Cow Internet.โ€

So, there you have it!

Purple Cow Internet has become the best internet provider in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and has expanded to other provinces like Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. I think a lot of our success has to do with us being a Purple Cow. Moooooooo!

Bradley Farquhar